Obligatory information on the persons’ rights, regarding personal data protection (Privacy Policy)
General information
A new regulations for personal data protection (General Data Protection Regulation) has taken effect since 25 May 2018, which has been adopted by the European Union. The regulations has purpose to guarantee the data protection of the natural persons from all member states of the European Union and to standardize the regulations for their processing.
In its capacity as a personal data administrator ELECTA LTD conforms to all requirements of the new regulations, as it gathers solely data of the persons in so far as they are necessary for the provision of the service and protects them responsively and in compliance with the law.
Information regarding the Administrator of personal data
2. Unified Identification Code/BULSTAT : 813161285
3. Head office and address of management: city of Varna, No 15, BRATYA GEORGIEVICH Str., entr. А, ap. 11
4. Data for correspondence: city of Varna, No 15, BRATYA GEORGIEVICH Str., entr. А, ap. 11
5. E-mail:
Information regarding the competent supervisory body
1. Name: Commission for personal data protection
2. Head office and address of management: city of Sofia 1592, No 2, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd.
3. Data for correspondence: city of Sofia 1592, No 2, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd.
4. Telephone: 02 915 3 518
5. Email:,
6. Website:
ELECTA LTD realizes its activity in conformity with the Law on personal data protection and Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European parliament and of the Council , dated 27 April 2016, regarding the natural persons protection in connection with the personal data processing and regarding the free movement of such data.
Grounds for collection, processing and storage of your personal data
Art. 1. (1) ELECTA LTD collects and processes your personal data in connection with its fish-processing activity and the offered products on the grounds of the following:
● Execution of the obligations of ELECTA LTD under a contract with you;
● An explicitly received consent by you at an inquiry through the website of ELECTA LTD
● For the purposes of the legitimate interest of ELECTA LTD.
Purposes and principles at the collection, processing and storage of your personal data
Art. 2. (1) ELECTA LTD collects and processes the personal data, which you give us in connection with the usage of our services and for the conclusion of a contract with the company, as well as for an inquiry through the website of ELECTA LTD, including for the following purposes:
● an individualization of a party under the contract;
● accounting purposes;
● protection of the information security;
● provision of the execution of the contract for giving of the respective service;
(2) At the processing of your personal data ELECTA LTD observes the following principles:
● conformity with the law, conscientiousness and transparency;
● limitation of the processing purposes;
● correlation with the purposes of the processing and reduction to minimum of the collected data;
● accuracy and actuality of the data;
● limitation of the storage with a view to achieving the purposes;
● integrity and confidentiality of the processing and guarantee for the proper level of security of the personal data.
(3) At the processing and storage of the personal data ELECTA LTD can process and store the personal data with purpose protection of its following legitimate interest:
● execution of its obligations towards the National Revenue Agency, Ministry of Interior and other state and municipal bodies.
What types of personal data does ELECTA LTD collect, process and store?
Art. 3. (1) ELECTA LTD carries out the following operations with the personal data for the following purposes:
● Conclusion and carrying out of a commercial deal with a customer or a partner
(2) ELECTA LTD processes the following categories personal data and information for the following purposes and on the following grounds:
● Data: Your individualizing data: Names as per identity card or passport, personal number/personal number of foreigner, nationality, number of identity card/valid national document for identity, address, email and telephone.
○ Purpose, about which the data are collected: 1) carrying out of a contract with a commercial partner and its administration;
○ Grounds for processing of your personal data – contractual grounds
● Additional data, given by you – if you want to make an inquiry through the website of ELECTA LTD:, you should fill in an online form, which requires: name, surname, email and telephone.
○ Purpose, about which the data are collected: Inquiry for information, regarding the activities and services of ELECTA LTD.
○ Grounds for the data processing: By the accepting of the general condition and personal data protection policy of the website, you give a clearly expressed consent your personal data to be processed about the respective purpose.
● Other data, which ELECTA LTD processes – When entering our website, ELECTA LTD collects data for the used IP address.
○ Purpose, about which the data are collected: Improvement of the service security and localization of the interface, statistical and marketing researches.
○ Grounds for data processing: the IP address is collected on the grounds of realization the legitimate interest of the administrator – art. 6, par. 1, b. (е) of GDPR;
● Your data for the issue of an invoice of a natural person – If you want to be issued an invoice in your capacity as a natural person, you have to give your personal number.
○ Purpose, about which the data are collected: Issue of an invoice for carrying out of payments under a concluded contract for giving services.
○ Grounds for processing of your personal data – At the conclusion of a contract in writing between ELECTA LTD and you there is established a contractual relation, on which grounds we process your personal data – art. 6, par. 1, b. (b) GDPR.
(3) ELECTA LTD does not collect and process personal data, which refer to the following:
● disclose racial or ethnic origin;
● disclose political, religious or philosophical convictions or membership in syndical organizations;
● genetic and biometric data, data on the health condition or data on the sexual life or sexual orientation.
(4) The personal data are collected by ELECTA LTD by the persons, about which they refer.
(5) The company does not carry out automated taking of decisions with data.
Term for storage of your personal data
Art. 4. (1) ELECTA LTD shall store your personal data for a term not longer than the requirements of the applicable legislation for the respective stipulated term. After the expiration of this term, ELECTA LTD puts the necessary efforts to erase and destroy all your data without unnecessary delay.
(2) ELECTA LTD shall notify you in case that the term for storage of the data is necessary to be prolonged with a view to execution of the purposes, carrying out of the contract, with a view to legitimate interests of ELECTA LTD or other.
Delivery of your personal data for processing
Art. 5. (1) ELECTA LTD can deliver in its judgement a part or all your personal data to processing personal data for the execution of the purposes for processing at observance the requirements of Regulations (EU) 2016/679.
(2) ELECTA LTD shall notify you in case it has an intent to deliver a part or all your personal data to third states or international organizations.
Your rights at the collection, processing and storage of your personal data
Withdrawal of the consent for processing of your personal data
Art. 6. (1) If you do not want all or a part of your personal data to continue to be processed by ELECTA LTD for a concrete or all purposes of processing, you can withdraw your consent for processing at any time by filling in an online form or by a request in a free text.
(2) ELECTA LTD can ask you to certify your personal identity and identity with the person, about whom the data refer to.
Right of access
Art. 7. (1) You have right to require and receive a confirmation by ELECTA LTD whether personal data connected with you are processed.
(2) You have right to obtain access to the data, connected with it, as well as to the information, which refers to the collection, processing and storage of your personal data.
(3) ELECTA LTD gives you a copy of the processed personal data, connected with you on request in electronic or other appropriate form.
(4) The giving of access to the data is free of charge, but ELECTA LTD reserves its right to enforce an administrative fee, in case of repeatability or excessiveness of the requests.
Right of correction or filling in
Art. 8. You can correct or fill in the incorrect or incomplete personal data, which are connected with you by directing a request to ELECTA LTD.
Right of obliteration („to be forgotten“)
Art. 9.(1) You have the right to ask from ELECTA LTD obliteration of the personal data, connected with you, and ELECTA LTD has the obligation to obliterate them without unnecessary delay, when some of the below indicated grounds is available:
● the personal data are not necessary for the purposes, about which they have been collected or processed in other way;
● you withdraw your consent, on which is grounded the processing of the data and there is not other legal grounds for the processing;
● you object against the processing of the connected with you personal data, including for the purposes of the direct marketing and there are not legal grounds for the processing, which to have advantage;
● the personal data have been processed not in conformity with the law;
● the personal data must be obliterated with purpose the observance of legal obligation as per the law of EU or the law of a member state, which is applied towards ELECTA LTD;
● the personal data have been collected in connection with the offering of services of the information society.
(2) ELECTA LTD is not obliged to obliterate the personal data, if it stores and processes them:
● for exercising the right of freedom of expression and the right of information;
● for observance of a legal obligation, which requires processing, stipulated in the law of the EU or the law of a member state, which is applied towards the Administrator or for the execution of a task of public interest or at the exercising of formal legal powers, which have been given to him;
● as per reasons of public interest in the field of the public health;
● for the purposes of archiving in public interest, for scientific or historical researches or for statistical purposes;
● for the establishing, exercising or protection of legal claims.
(3) In order to exercise your right of „forgetting“, you have to hand in a request in writing, sent to ELECTA LTD, as well as to certify your personal identity and identity with the person, about whom the data refer to, by presenting on spot your identity card for the purposes of identification
(4) ELECTA LTD does not obliterate the data, which it has legal obligation to store, including for protection on the occasion of legal claims, addressed towards it or proving of its rights.
Right of limitation
Art. 10. You have right to demand from ELECTA LTD to limit the processing of the connected with you data, when:
● contest the correctness of the personal data, for a term, which allows ELECTA LTD to check the correctness of your personal data;
● the processing is illegal, but you do not want your personal data to be obliterated, and its usage only to be limited;
● ELECTA LTD does not need the personal data anymore for the purposes of the processing, but you demand them for the establishing, exercising or protection of your legal claims;
● You have objected against the processing in expectation of a check up whether the legal grounds of ELECTA LTD have advantage over your interests.
Right of transference
Art. 11. (1) You can withdraw your data at any time, which are stored and processed for you in connection with the used services of ELECTA LTD, by a request via electronic mail.
(2) You can ask ELECTA LTD directly to transfer your personal data towards an administrator, indicated by you, when this is technically realizable.
Right of obtaining information
Art. 12. You can ask ELECTA LTD to inform you on all recipients, of whom the personal data, about which have been requested correcting, obliteration or limitation of the processing, have been disclosed. ELECTA LTD can deny to give this information, if this would be impossible or requires disproportionately big efforts.
Right of objection
Art. 13. You can object in any time against the processing of personal data by ELECTA LTD, which refer to you, including if they are processed for the purposes of profiling or direct marketing.
Your rights at violation of your personal data security
Art. 14. (1) If ELECTA LTD establishes a violation of your personal data security, which can originate high risk for your rights and freedom, we shall notify you without unnecessary delay about the violation, as well as for the measures, which have been undertaken or are forthcoming to be undertaken.
(2) ELECTA LTD is not obliged to notify you, if:
● it has undertaken necessary technical and organizational measures for protection regarding the data, affected by the violation of the security;
● it has undertaken measures subsequently, which guarantee, that the violation shall not lead to a high risk for your rights;
● the notification would require unproportionate efforts.
The persons, to whom your personal data are given
Art. 15. The administrator does not carry out transfer of your personal data to third states.
Other provisions
Art. 16. In case of a violation of your rights in compliance with the above indicated or the applicable legislation for personal data protection, you have right to hand in a complaint to the Commission for personal data protection, as it follows:
1. Name: Commission for personal data protection
2. Head office and address of management: city of Sofia 1592, No2, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd.
3. Data for correspondence: city of Sofia 1592, No2, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd.
4. Telephone: 02 915 3 518
5. Email:,
6. Website:
Art. 17. You can exercise all your rights, regarding protection of your personal data through the forms, enclosed to the present information. Of course, these forms are not obligatory and you can address your requests in any form, which contains an expression about this and identifies you as an owner of the data.
Art. 18. If the consent refers to a transfer, the Administrator shall describe the possible risks for the transfer of data towards third states at the lack of a decision for adequate protection and appropriate means for protection.